Interested in Freemasonry? Here’s how to learn more and join the Petts Wood Lodge!

Know a Freemason? Chat with them! They’re happy to answer your questions and guide you through the process.

Don’t know a Freemason? No problem!

Fill out our online form: Here’s the LINK

Email us:

Message us on social media (links in bio)

A friendly chat with our Membership Officer will follow:

  • Discuss your interest: Are you curious or ready to take the next step?
  • Get answers: We’ll address any questions you may have.
  • Learn about the process: We’ll explain the steps involved in becoming a member.

Here’s what we typically discuss:

  • Belief in a Supreme Being: Freemasonry requires a belief in a higher power, but welcomes diverse religious backgrounds.
  • Partner’s Support: We ensure your partner understands and supports your potential membership.
  • Financial Considerations: We’ll outline the fees associated with membership.
  • Time Commitment: We’ll discuss the time commitment involved for both you and the Lodge.
  • Getting to Know You: We value getting to know potential members before proceeding.

Ready to move forward?

  • Social Events: Attend our social events to meet us in a casual setting.
  • Meet at the Masonic Centre: We’ll invite you to visit the Masonic Centre and learn more.
  • Proposal and Initiation: Once comfortable, we’ll guide you through the proposal process and towards your initiation ceremony, a momentous occasion for you and the Lodge.

Want to learn more in general?

Visit the United Grand Lodge of England website for more FAQs: