No doubt that the common phrase “If you want a job done, ask a busy man” can be well applied to our Bro Geoff, surely one of the busiest men in Freemasonry.
Over 120 members and guests of the District Grand Council of Kent, Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales, and Districts and Councils Overseas attended the District Grand Council on 18th February 2023 at the Gillingham Masonic Centre.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Obligated, invested, and Installed the new District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Brian Ward. The new District Grand Prefect then proceeded to Obligate, Invest, and Install the new Deputy District Grand Prefect, W. Bro. Geoffrey Edward Whale P.G.St.B., Past District Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Deputy District Grand Prefect
We are all rightly proud of our hard-working brother Geoff and offer him our heartiest congratulations on his new role. We are sure he will carry out his duties with the care and attention that the role requires. Well done Bro. Geoff.